plastic & aesthetic surgery


What should you know about lipomatic surgery ?

Lipomatic (liposculpture) means slimming, filling and reshaping specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits or transferring to desired areas. There are several types of techniques aiming liposclupting. Recently invented Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture (NIL) System developed for solving several problems related to prior techniques using surgical incisions to remove excess fat tissue resulting in prolonged operation time, need of general anesthesia, more tissue damage, bleeding during surgery, higher complication rate, prolonged healing period and scarring.

What is the difference between liposculpture and liposuction?

Liposuction and liposculpture are two cosmetic procedures that are performed tens of thousands of times throughout the year. While similar, these two cosmetic surgeries have a few unique differences. If you are exploring the benefits of either surgery, then it is important that you understand these subtle differences.

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is often referred to as “lipo.” It is a cosmetic surgery that is designed to slim and reshaped specific areas of the body by reducing and removing excess fat deposits. A skilled cosmetic surgeon can improve a patient’s body contours and proportions through liposuction. Liposuction techniques are often used on: thighs, hips, buttock, abdomen, upper arms, and lower legs.

Dr.S.Zia S Jalali
Plastic & Aesthetic Surgeon
Face Lift. Rhinoplasty . Blepharoplasty . Mamoplasty . Abdominoplasty
Fat Injection . Recunstructive Surgery